November 19th, 2024. Come for the Pizza but stay for the news and information.
IAM Canada News Link
Goverment needs to act now!
Government needs to pass strong anti-scab legislation now.
Ban the use of “replacement workers” (Scabs)
When unionized workers are on strike or locked out, no one should be able to perform their work – not new or temporary hires, not management, not workers in other bargaining units, not students, or other workers.
We know that free and fair collective bargaining – without the threat of scabs taking workers’ jobs or imposing back-to-work legislation – is the best way to reach good agreements and stable workplaces.
The use of scabs pits working people against each other and takes advantage of non-unionized workers who are desperate for work.
In 2022, as part of the confidence-and-supply agreement with the NDP, the Liberal government committed to table legislation to ban the use of so-called “replacement workers” for both lockouts and strikes by the end of 2023.
The NDP and the Bloc Québécois have committed to passing anti-scab legislation quickly.
There is no justification for this Liberal minority government waiting to the end of the year to pass this legislation.
They need to pass strong meaningful anti-scab legislation now.
IAM anti-scab message.

Regular Monthly Meeting
Our next regular monthly meeting will be Tuesday November 21st at 5:30 PM.
2023 Negotiations
Negotiations with Badanai, Doninion, Pinewood and Mascarins have began.
May 16, 17 and 18 are now confirmed with Pinewood, Badanai and Dominion for our first round of negotiations. Mascarins has not responded as of today!
Negotiations Open Between LL 1120 and Wajax
Negotiations between IAM local 1120 and Wajax are set to begin Tuesday January 17th with proposal exchanges followed by a full day of negotiating on January 18th.
Public Meeting to stop the Privatization of Hydro One at 7 P.M. Tuesday Feb 9th, Finlandia Hall

CUPE Local 87-Pre Strike Rally-Monday Oct. 24th
CUPE Local 87 (700) Inside and Outside workers could be on strike by November 1st.
These workers have been without a contract for 2 years and have been in negotiations for over a year.
Their employer (The City of Thunder Bay) is demanding concessions on benefits, plus a number of other provisions previously negotiated.
CUPE 87 workers deliver valuable quality public services to our community and deserve our support.
All Labour Council activists are asked to attend the CUPE Local 87 Rally-City Hall-Monday Oct. 24th-4:30 P.M.
Bring your flags and send a message to our City that these workers need a fair deal.
In solidarity,
Marg Arnone
Recording Secretary
Thunder Bay & District Labour Council