November 19th, 2024. Come for the Pizza but stay for the news and information.
Nominations of International Officers!
To download a PDF version, click here.
Para solicitar este documento en español, comuníquese con el Departamento de Servicios de Membresía de la IAM al 301-967-4525.
International President, General Secretary-Treasurer, 1 Canadian General Vice President,
1 Delegate to the C.L.C., and 5 Members of the Committee on Law
In accordance with Article III of the IAM Constitution,[1] except as set forth herein, in Canada the International will conduct elections for the offices of International President, General Secretary-Treasurer, 1 Canadian General Vice President, 1 Delegate to the C.L.C., and 5 Members of the Committee on Law (including one from Canada) for terms ending on June 30, 2029. Nominations for these offices can be made at a special meeting of your local on Saturday, January 18, 2025. In the event that members of your local nominate more than one candidate for IAM International President, General Secretary-Treasurer, Canadian Vice President, the C.L.C and/or more than five (5) candidates for the Committee on Law, there shall be a local endorsement vote on Saturday, February 22, 2025. Both the nomination and endorsement meetings will take place from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the location printed in your mailing.
If more than one candidate for International President, General Secretary-Treasurer and/or more than five (5) candidates for the Committee on Law receives the endorsement of 25 or more locals, including endorsements in at least three separate territories or divisions,[2] or more than one candidate for the Canadian General Vice President and/or Delegate to the C.L.C. receives nominations from 20 or more Canadian locals from at least three different provinces, there shall be an election. The election, if necessary, will take place by secret ballot mail vote. In this event, mail ballots automatically will be sent to all eligible members in good standing and must be returned to the
designated P.O. Box on or before May 1, 2025.
At all special nomination/endorsement meetings, the meeting will remain open until every member present before the closing time has had the opportunity to nominate or vote. To assist in verifying your eligibility to participate in this process, bring this notice with you to your local nomination and endorsement vote meetings. Only members in good standing of the local may participate in the nomination and election process. Eligible members may also participate through absentee nomination form, as set out in this notice.
Nominations must specify the name, local, and card number of the candidate and the office for which the candidate is being nominated. Although a member can nominate fewer than the required number of candidates for an office, in accordance with Article III, Section 4 of the IAM Constitution, a failure by a local to nominate the required number of candidates for an office shall invalidate the local’s endorsement for that office. Locals may not nominate the same person for more than one office.
In order to find out whether there are contested nominations in your local requiring a vote on February 22, 2025, or to confirm
your voting location, or to request an absentee nomination form/ballot, go to or scan the QR code.

Locals holding endorsement votes will be posted on the website on approximately January 22, 2025. You will need to log on using your
card number and local number listed above your address on this notice. Candidates who receive a plurality of votes will earn the local endorsement for the contested offices.
Information concerning a mail ballot election will be posted on on approximately March 1, 2025.
Protests concerning the IAM nomination/endorsement process should be filed in writing with Andrew Buffenbarger, Special Assistant to the
International President, in the By-laws and Internal Disputes Department at 9000 Machinists Place, Upper Marlboro Md. 20772 as soon as possible but no later than March 4, 2025. Protests regarding the election should be filed as soon as possible but no later than 10 days after the completion of the ballot tally, to be held in May 2025.
Members who: (1) reside more than 40 Km (25 miles) from the designated nominating/balloting place set forth above;[3] or (2) are at work during the times of the local nominations or balloting; or (3) are confined because of illness or injury; or (4) are on leave qualifying under family leave law; or (5) are working members on vacation or retirees more than 40 Km (25 miles) away from their residence on nomination/endorsement day; or (6) are on official IAM business; or (7) are on employer travel assignment; or (8) are on military leave, may nominate and/or participate in the endorsement vote by absentee nomination form/ballot, upon request.
Eligible members wishing to receive an absentee nomination form and/or ballot may request one by visiting or scan the QR code in this notice. Members may also request an absentee nomination form/ballot by filling in the enclosed request form or mailing a letter including the same information as soon as possible but no later than 21 days before the nomination dates set forth in this notice to: IAM P.O. Box 3368, Capitol Heights, MD 20791.
The International will confirm your eligibility to nominate or vote by absentee endorsement ballot and mail you an absentee nomination form/ ballot and instructions within 5 business days after receipt of your request, or from receipt of printed ballots, whichever is later. Members found not eligible to nominate or vote by absentee ballot will be sent notification within 5 business days after receipt of the request. If you do not receive a response to your request for an absentee nomination form/ballot, call the IAM Membership Department at (301) 967-4525.
Absentee nomination forms must be received by the International by January 18, 2025. Absentee ballots for the February endorsement vote
meetings must be received by the International by February 22, 2025. Absentee ballots received after the dates set forth above will not be counted. Absentee ballot requests for the election are not necessary because every eligible member in good standing will automatically receive a mail ballot, should an election be necessary. If there is an election and you do not receive a mail ballot on or before April 7, 2025, please call (855) 433-8683.
[1] The relevant provisions of the Constitution, including the eligibility and qualification rules for holding office, may be found at
[2] For these purposes, “territories or divisions” shall mean, the Eastern Territory, the Midwest Territory, the Western Territory, the Southern Territory, the Air Transport Territory, the Canadian Territory, Headquarters and Vicinity, and the Rail Division.
[3] Distance is determined by the closest Internet driving distance.
Para solicitar este documento en español, comuníquese con el Departamento de Servicios de Membresía de la IAM al 301-967-4525.
Président international, secrétaire-trésorier général, 1 vice-président général canadien,
1 délégué auprès du C.T.C. et 5 membres du Comité des lois.
Conformément à l’article III des statuts [1] de l’AIM, sous réserve des dispositions du présent document, au Canada, l’Internationale organisera des élections pour les postes de président international, de secrétaire-trésorier général, d’un vice-président général canadien, d’un délégué auprès du C.T.C. et de cinq membres du Comité des lois (dont un du Canada) pour des mandats se terminant le 30 juin 2029. Les mises en candidature pour ces postes peuvent être faites lors d’une réunion spéciale de votre section locale le samedi 18 janvier 2025. Si les membres de votre section locale mettent en candidature plus d’un candidat au poste de président international de l’AIM, de secrétaire-trésorier général, de vice-président canadien, délégué auprès du C.T.C. et/ou plus de cinq (5) candidats au Comité des lois, il y aura un vote d’appui local le samedi 22 février 2025. Les réunions de mise en candidature et d’appui auront lieu de 6h00 à 8h00 et de 18h00 à 20h00, à l’endroit suivant:
Si plus d’un candidat au poste de président international, de secrétairetrésorier général et/ou plus de cinq (5) candidats au Comité des lois reçoit l’appui d’au moins 25 sections locales, y compris l’appui dans au moins trois territoires ou divisions distinct [2], ou si plus d’un candidat au poste de viceprésident général canadien et/ou de délégué au CTC reçoit des nominations d’au moins 20 sections locales canadiennes provenant d’au moins trois provinces différentes, l’élection se tiendra. L’élection, si nécessaire, aura lieu par vote postal à bulletin secret. Dans ce cas, des bulletins de vote par la posted seront automatiquement envoyés à tous les membres éligibles en règle et devront être retournés à la boîte postale désignée au plus tard le 1er mai 2025.
Lors de toutes les réunions spéciales de mise en candidature et d’appui, la réunion restera ouverte jusqu’à ce que tous les membres présents avant l’heure de clôture aient eu la possibilité de participer à la mise en candidature ou l’élection. Afin de faciliter la vérification de votre admissibilité à participer à ce processus, veuillez apporter cet avis avec vous lors des réunions locales de mise en candidature et d’appui. Seuls les membres en règle de la section locale peuvent participer au processus de mise en candidature et d’élection. Les membres éligibles peuvent également participer par le biais d’un bulletin d’absent, comme indiqué dans le présent avis.
Les mises en candidatures doivent indiquer le nom, la section locale et le numéro de carte du candidat, ainsi que le poste pour lequel la candidature est proposée. Bien qu’un membre puisse mettre en candidature moins queue le nombre requis de candidats pour un poste, conformément à l’article III, section 4 des statuts de l’AIM, le fait pour une section locale de ne pas mettre en candidature le nombre requis de candidats pour un poste, invalide l’appui de la section locale pour ce poste. Les sections locales ne peuvent pas mettre en candidature la même personne à plusieurs postes.
Pour vérifier s’il y a des mises en candidatures contestées dans votre section locale nécessitant un vote le 22 février 2025, pour confirmer votre lieu de vote ou pour demander un vote d’absent pour la mise en candidature ou l’élection, rendez-vous à l’adresse suivante ou scannez le code QR.

Les sections locales tenant des votes d’appui seront affichées sur le site web vers le 22 janvier 2025. Vous devrez vous
connecter en utilisant le numéro de votre carte et le numéro de votre section locale figurant au-dessus de votre adresse sur le présent avis. Les candidats qui obtiendront une pluralité de votes recevront le soutien de la section locale pour les postes contestés.
Les informations concernant les élections par la poste seront publiées sur le site vers le 1er mars 2025. Les objections concernant le processus de nomination/appui de l’IAM doivent être déposées par écrit auprès d’Andrew Buffenbarger, adjoint spécial du président international, au service des statuts et des litiges internes, 9000 Machinists Place, Upper Marlboro Md. 20772, le plus tôt possible et au plus tard le 4 mars 2025. Les disputes concernant les élections doivent être déposées dès que possible et au plus tard 10 jours après la fin du dépouillement des bulletins de vote, qui aura lieu en mai 2025.
Les membres qui : (1) résident à plus de 40 km (25 miles) du lieu de mise en candidature/de vote désigné ci-dessus [3] ; ou (2) sont au travail pendant les périodes de mise en candidature ou de vote de la section locale; ou (3) sont confinés pour cause de maladie ou de blessure ; ou (4) sont en congé autorisé en vertu de la loi sur les congés familiaux ; ou (5) sont des membres actifs en vacances ou des retraités à plus de 40 km (25 miles) de leur lieu de résidence le jour de la mise en candidature/appui ; ou (6) sont en mission officielle pour l’AIM ; ou (7) sont en déplacement pour leur employeur ; ou (8) sont en congé pour service militaire, peuvent participer à la mise en candidature et/ou ale vote d’appui par bulletin d’absent, sur demande.
Les membres admissibles qui souhaitent recevoir un bulletin d’absent peuvent en faire la demande en se rendant sur le site : http://www. ou scannez le code QR. Les members peuvent également demander un bulletin d’absent en remplissant le formulaire de demande ci-joint ou en envoyant une lettre contenant les mêmes informations dès que possible, mais au plus tard 21 jours avant les dates de candidature indiquées dans le présent avis, à l’adresse suivante : IAM P.O. Box 3368, Capitol Heights, MD 20791.
L’Internationale confirmera votre admissibilité à la mise en candidature ou au vote d’appui par bulletin d’absent et vous enverra un bulletin de vote avec les instructions dans les 5 jours ouvrables suivant la réception de votre demande ou la réception des bulletins de vote imprimés, la date la plus tardive étant retenue. Les membres jugés non admissibles à la mise en candidature ou au vote d’appui par bulletin d’absent recevront une notification dans les 5 jours ouvrables suivant la réception de la demande. Si vous ne recevez pas de réponse à votre demande de formulaire de mise en candidature ou au vote d’appui par bulletin d’absent, appelez le service des adhésions de l’AIM au (301) 967-4525.
Les formulaires de mise en candidature par bulletin d’absent doivent être reçus par l’Internationale avant le 18 janvier 2025. Les bulletins d’absent de vote pour les élections d’appui de février doivent être reçus par l’Internationale avant le 22 février 2025. Les bulletins d’absent de vote reçus après les dates indiquées ci-dessus ne seront pas pris en compte.
Il n’est pas nécessaire de demander un bulletin d’absent de vote pour l’élection, car chaque membre admissible en règle recevra automatiquement un bulletin de vote par courrier, si une élection s’avère nécessaire. Si une élection est prévue et que vous ne recevez pas de bulletin de vote par courrier au plus tard le 7 avril 2025, veuillez appeler le (855) 433-8683.
[1] Les dispositions pertinentes de la Constitution, y compris les règles d’éligibilité et de qualification pour occuper un poste, peuvent être consultées à l’adresse suivante :
[2] À ces fins, on entend par « territoires ou divisions » le territoire de l’Est, le territoire du Midwest, le territoire de l’Ouest, le territoire du Sud, le territoire des transports aériens, le territoire canadien, le siège social et ses dépendances, et la division des chemins de fer.
[3] La distance est déterminée par la distance de conduite la plus proche selon l’Internet.
It is with much regret and sadness that we inform you of the passing of Brother Robert (Bob) McMuldroch retired DBR.

Robert MacQuarrie McMuldroch passed peacefully on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at St. Joseph’s Hospital with his family by his side. Born July 9, 1937 in Port Arthur, Robert grew up on McIntyre Street, attended Shuniah Elementary School and St. John’s College in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
As a young man, Robert worked tirelessly in bush camps as a heavy equipment diesel mechanic. Later working at Mack Trucks, where he became the shop steward, eventually leaving the shop floor behind to become a Directing Business Representative for the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers representing Local Lodge 1120.
Robert’s passions included sailing, hunting, and fishing with friends on Lake Superior and surrounding area. His love of nature began at Wild Goose as a youth. Later in life, he enjoyed spending his time with family and friends at Silver Lake and One Island Lake. There was no place he would rather be than going for a putt around the lake and watching the sunset. Robert made sure he visited his camp one last time on May 19th, just to take in the fresh air and view that he loved so much.
Robert was predeceased by his wife Carole, daughter Susan Miller, parents Rebecca and Peter, brother Peter (Peggy), sister Anne (Aldo) Di Blasio, brother-in-law Charles Bye.
Robert is survived by his children Daniel McMuldroch, Allison (Oriel) Hill, Bruce (Erin) McMuldroch, son-in-law Stephen Miller, grandchildren Riley, Kyle & Hailey Miller, Jacob & Jessica Hill, his sister Sandra Bye, brother Winston (Darlene) McMuldroch, and by numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives.
As per Robert’s wishes, no service will be held. Please take a moment to honour his memory in your own special way.
Raffle Tickets in support of Grand Lodge Convention
Tickets available for purchase at Local 1120. Please contact your President/ DBR for more information- (807) 475-4779
2024 Canadian Political Action Symposium

It was a successful 10th anniversary for the Canadian Political Action Symposium. IAM activists from across Canada gathered at the crown jewel of the IAM, the Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, Maryland for the Symposium. By all accounts, it was the best ever!
IAM Canadian General Vice-President David Chartrand underscored the importance of political action, especially in light of the upcoming federal election in 2025. “Engaging our members is crucial because it affects our working lives. This means it affects our families and our home lives.”
Derek Ferguson, IAM Canadian GLR for Political Action, said, “80 IAM political activists from all over Canada gathered at the W3 where we developed and improved our communication strategies and member mobilization plans in the lead up to the 2025 federal election. Together we will make a difference!” Ferguson has held the Canadian Political Action portfolio for five years and has attend every single Symposium.
Facilitators Brent Farrington and Laurie Antonin, from the Canadian Labour Congress, led the two-day training and strategizing. They are also both members of IAM Local 3111CULR. See a short video of Laurie here.
Attendees broke up into mainly regional teams and each team designed their own campaign with members of each team responsible for a variety of functions. The teams designed complete campaigns and their various components – one team even made an Instagram video!
International President, Brian Bryant made a surprise visit to the Symposium to congratulate the Canadians on a successful 10th anniversary and the continuing expansion of their political action training and actions. Bryant also updated members on much of what is going on in the IAM. See a short video here
The first Canadian PAC was initiated by retired General Vice-President Dave Ritchie and then-Political Action Coordinator Gord Falconer in 2014. Gord retired as Chief-of-Staff in December 2023.
Article from IAMAW Canada

It is with profound sadness that the family of Jerry Tarnawsky announce his sudden and unexpected passing on Tuesday, March 12th, 2024 at the age of 66 at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre with family by his side.
Jerry worked at Lakehead Motors for 46 years in the parts department, retiring last year.
To honour Jerry’s love of animals, in lieu of flowers, the local has made a donation to Thunder Bay District Humane Society in his name.
Grand Lodge Convention delegate and alternate nominations to be held, April 16 at regular monthly meeting and elections to follow, May 21 at regular monthly meeting.
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers LL 1120
Members who reside in outlying Districts more than 25 miles (40 km) from the designated balloting place, members who are either confined because of a verified illness or on leave qualifying under U.S. and Canadian family leave laws, or on vacation, retirees more than 25 miles (40km) away from their residence on election day, or on official I.A.M. business approved by the Local Lodge or District Lodge or Grand Lodge, or on an employer travel assignment, or reserve military leave, as the case may be, shall be furnished absentee ballots. Members applying for an absentee ballot on the basis of residing in an outlying district more than 25 miles from the designated balloting place, shall have their eligibility to vote by absentee ballot determined by the Recording Secretary and the Secretary Treasurer before the ballot is mailed. Members found not to be eligible to vote by absentee ballot will be so notified within 10 days of the receipt of their application.
Having read and understood the Article and Section above, I request an Absentee Ballot for this
Election because:
______I live more than 25 miles (40 km) from the place of balloting
______ I am a retiree who will be more than 25 miles (40 km) from my residence on election day
______ I will be on vacation
______ Company Travel Assignment
______ Official I.A.M. Business
______ Verified Illness
To ensure that your Absentee Ballot is received without delay, please PRINT all the information requested and forward by Canada Post or HAND DELIVERED by the REQUESTEE to the Recording Secretary of the Local Lodge.
Name __________________________ Union Card No.____________________
Home Address___________________________________________________
Postal Code ___________ Work Location__________________________
Signature __________________________
The Absentee Ballot should be addressed to: Recording Secretary
1200 Walsh Street W
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 4X4
* Absentee Ballot Request forms must be received 15 days prior to the Election.
LL1120 members at Dominion Motors in Thunder Bay ratify new contract
06 September, 2023 – Although negotiations didn’t start well, Local Lodge 1120 in Thunder Bay, Ontario managed to negotiate improvements to their collective bargaining agreement. The vote, held on 06 September, 2023, was ratified by 90% of the membership.
The Company’s only offer was an increase in wages and pensions over 5 years with no retro-activity on the pension contributions. The Bargaining Committee, consisting of Ron Paquette and Glenn Buchanan, Directing Business Representative for IAM Local Lodge 1120, rejected the offer. The company told the union to file for conciliation as that would be the only offer.
Local 1120 then held a strike vote to gauge the conviction of the membership. Upon learning of the results of the strike vote (100% in favour) and the looming conciliation the company requested to return to the table.
The results were very positive with an 11.5% increase in wages and pension over 3 years with full retro-activity to March 1, 2023. Members also negotiated a $150 per year tax-free boot allowance, as well as doubling eye care coverage to $400 every two years.
The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was added as a paid floater per year until it becomes a provincial statutory holiday.
Dominion Motors is a full-service GMC auto dealer providing mechanical servicing, collision repair, parts sales and installation to residents in the Thunder Bay area. There are 24 members working there.
Glenn Buchanan
Local Lodge 1120 members in Badanai Motors (Chevrolet) ratify new contract
15 August, 2023 – Aug 15/2023 the membership at Badanai Motors (Chevrolet) in Thunder Bay ratified a renewed 3-year contract with full retroactive pay for wages and pension back to March 1, 2023. Members bargained for, and received an 11% increase for wages and pension over the 3-year life of the contract.
New to the contract was a $250 per year tax-free boot allowance per member. The Negotiating Committee also succeeded in increasing eye care coverage to $600 every two years!
“Additionally, and importantly, members negotiated the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (NDTR) as a yearly paid floater day,” said Glenn Buchanan, Directing Business Representative for IAM Local Lodge 1120. “This was a very important item for the membership, the community and myself. I negotiated 6 contracts over the summer and made sure everyone received this day.”
The new agreement was accepted with a 75% approval.
Badanai Motors is a full-service automotive dealer with 23 members, including mechanics, body men, shipping and receiving, parts, and general helpers.
Glenn Buchanan
Directing Business Representative & Organizer
Local Lodge 1120 Ratifies Contract with Mascarin Collision Centre in Thunder Bay
[Thunder Bay, ON] – Local Lodge 1120 is pleased to announce the successful ratification of a renewed contract with Mascarin Collision Centre, an auto collision repair and painting facility in Thunder Bay, Ontario
The contract, which was officially ratified on 11 July, 2023, covers 12 dedicated members and spans a three-year term from 1 March, 2023, to 28 February, 2026. The agreement encompasses essential aspects, including wages, pensions, and benefits.
Members received 4%, 3% and 3% increases in wages and pension in the three years of the contract, with full retro-activity to 1 March, 2023.
Additionally, the contract includes the enhancement of employee benefits:
- Boot Allowance increased to $175 per year.
- Tool replacement and purchase allowance of $200 per year.
- Introduction of Truth and Reconciliation Day (30 September) as a paid floater day per year.
The bargaining committee, comprised of Teuvo Pehkonen and Glenn Buchanan, Directing Business Representative for Local Lodge 1120, worked diligently to negotiate these favorable terms. An overwhelming majority, 92%, voted in favor of accepting the renewed contract.
Local Lodge 1120 expresses its gratitude to the membership for their solidarity and support in reaching this agreement. This achievement reflects the commitment to fair compensation and improved working conditions for the dedicated members of the lodge.
The IAM represents workers at seven auto dealerships in Thunder Bay. They are among more than 1,500 members at auto and truck dealerships on Vancouver Island, the lower mainland of British Columbia, Edmonton, Calgary, Fort Frances, Sault Ste. Marie, Markham, Toronto, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Glenn Buchanan
IAM Local Lodge 1120 Celebrates Successful Contract Renewal for Members at Half-Way Motors Mazda
Thunder Bay, ON, September 2023 — IAM Local Lodge 1120 in Thunder Bay is pleased to announce the ratification of a renewed contract for our members at Half-Way Motors Mazda. The agreement, ratified on June 21, 2023, represents a significant milestone in securing fair wages and benefits for our members.
The renewed contract spans a three-year term, effective from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2026, and focuses on enhancing wages and benefits. Year one will see a substantial 7% wage increase, followed by 5% increments in both the second and third years. Importantly, pension contributions will remain unchanged during the contract term, ensuring financial security for our members.
In a meaningful step towards recognizing the importance of Truth & Reconciliation Day (September 30), our members will now enjoy this day as a paid floater day each year. Additionally, a boot allowance of $200 per year has been introduced to prioritize the safety and well-being of our members.
We are proud to report that this renewal received unanimous support from our membership, with a 100% acceptance rate, emphasizing the strength and unity within our union.
IAM Local Lodge 1120 remains committed to championing the rights and well-being of our members. This contract renewal is a testament to our dedication to fair compensation, job security, and the continued support of our members at Half-Way Motors Mazda.
The IAM represents workers at seven auto dealerships in Thunder Bay. They are among more than 1,500 members at auto and truck dealerships on Vancouver Island, the lower mainland of British Columbia, Edmonton, Calgary, Fort Frances, Sault Ste. Marie, Markham, Toronto, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Glenn Buchanan